low back

Buttock Pain with Tightness into the BackButtock Pain with Tightness into the Back

Buttock Pain with Tightness into the Back

People touch the fullness of the hip, right in the middle of their buttock, and say, I get pain here."…

2 years ago

Self-Care – Stiff Low Back Pain to the Crest of the Hip

Here, you will find strategies for relief from stiff low back pain that focuses on the crest of the hip.…

2 years ago

Stiff Low Back Pain to the Crest of the Hip

Want to skip ahead?Here's a link to my post about getting relief on your own. People reach back to touch…

2 years ago

Buttock Pain with Stiff Low Back

People tend to run a hand up and down their hip and complain of stiffness. Then, they focus on their…

3 years ago

Self-Care – Mid Back Pain Often with Stiff Low Back

Here, you will find relief through self-care for mid-back pain that extends upward, forward and creates a stiff the lower…

4 years ago

Sacral Pain: Pain Patterns, Causes, Self-Care

This is a collection of the trigger point referral pattern posts currently available. They are listed alphabetically by title. Keep…

4 years ago

Self Care – Sharp Pain Across Top of Hips

Here, you will find self-care for relief from sharp pain across the top of your hips. I probably give this…

4 years ago

Self Care – Stiff and Slow When Rising From Seated Position

Client Description Here, you will find self-care for relief when you are painfully stiff and slow when rising from a…

4 years ago

Self Care – Pain Along One Side of the Low Back

Here you will find ways to get relief on your own for pain along one side of the low back.…

4 years ago

Stiff, Fragile, Aching Low Back: Pain Patterns, Causes, Self-Care

Stiffness in the low back can come from several larger muscles like spinal erectors, latissimus dorsi, and psoas. Fragility in…

4 years ago