Self Care-Hip Pain

Self-care – Band of Pain Across BackSelf-care – Band of Pain Across Back

Self-care – Band of Pain Across Back

Here, you will find strategies for relief from a band of pain across your mid-back or across your hips. For…

1 year ago

Self-Care – Buttock Pain with Tightness in the Back

Here, you will find strategies for relief from the self-care of buttock pain with a tightness that can extend into…

2 years ago

Self-Care – Stiff Low Back Pain to the Crest of the Hip

Here, you will find strategies for relief from stiff low back pain that focuses on the crest of the hip.…

2 years ago

Self-Care – Buttock Pain with Stiff Low-Back

Here, you will find self-care strategies for relief from pain in your buttock with a stiff low back. for more…

3 years ago

Self-Care – Hip Rotators

Here, you will find strategies for relief from trigger point pain of the lateral hip rotators. For more information about…

3 years ago

Self-Care – Gluteus Maximus

Here, you will find strategies for relief from gluteus maximus pain in the tailbone, sits bone, and buttock. For more…

3 years ago

Self-Care – Side of Hip Pain from Childbirth or Cycling

Here, you will find self-care activities that will help relieve the pain in the side of the hip and "nervy"…

3 years ago

Self Care – Sharp Pain Across Top of Hips

Here, you will find self-care for relief from sharp pain across the top of your hips. I probably give this…

4 years ago

Self Care – Hip Pain when Stepping onto One Foot

Here, you will find self-care strategies for relief on your own from hip pain through the sacroiliac (SI) joint of…

4 years ago

Self Care – Pain Along One Side of the Sacrum

Avoid the teetering exercises listed in the post on this trigger point. This includes things like vacuuming, sweeping, raking, working…

4 years ago