Self Care-Mid Back

Self-care – Band of Pain Across BackSelf-care – Band of Pain Across Back

Self-care – Band of Pain Across Back

Here, you will find strategies for relief from a band of pain across your mid-back or across your hips. For…

1 year ago

Self-Care – Burning and Aching Mid-back Pain

Here, you can find strategies for getting relief from burning and aching in the mid-back. In this other post, you…

3 years ago

Self-Care – Mid Back Pain Often with Stiff Low Back

Here, you will find relief through self-care for mid-back pain that extends upward, forward and creates a stiff the lower…

4 years ago

Self Care – Aching mid-back with tired triceps

Avoid things that yank your elbow from front to back, like cranking the lawnmower, raking, or letting that dog jerk…

4 years ago