These people complain of tingling and numbness on the side of their upper thigh. They often poke at it like…
This post focuses on self-care strategies for tensor fascia lata. It produces pain and tingling along the side of the…
Test the TFL This is a great test for the TFL. Have the client sit on the table's edge and…
Brief Overview The Tensor fascia lata is a small fusiform muscle that, with some variance, tapers at the ends. Origin…
Here, you will find an overview of the anatomy of the gluteus minimus muscle and links to related posts. It…
Want to skip ahead?Here's a link to my post about getting relief on your own. Tough Getting Up These patients…
low back stress from These people are stiff and slow in rising from a seat or getting out of…
Overview The anatomy of the iliacus is the simplest of the hip flexors. Origin Iliac fossa of the ilium Insertion…
Here you will find the anatomy of the psoas major. It fits into a larger group of muscles, the iliopsoas…
Stretching can be a good daily ritual of relief. It changes a stiff body into something that has less pain…