Here, you will find self-care strategies for relief from pain behind the knee when rising from a seat or walking.…
Here, you will find self-care strategies to relieve the warm, superficial pain of gracilis trigger points. Look at this other…
Here, you will find self-care strategies for relief from grabbing pain on the inside of the knee that, at times,…
Here, you will find self-care for pain along the side of the thigh and knee when walking or sleeping. Look…
Here, you will find self-care for pain in your knee cap. For more information about how people describe this pattern,…
Here, you will find strategies for relief from trigger point pain of the lateral hip rotators. For more information about…
Client Description Here, you will find self-care for relief when you are painfully stiff and slow when rising from a…
Avoid the teetering exercises listed in the post on this trigger point. This includes things like vacuuming, sweeping, raking, working…
This post focuses on self-care strategies for tensor fascia lata. It produces pain and tingling along the side of the…
Here, you will find self-care strategies for cramping and seizing hamstrings. As well these people often have pain in the…