Therapy Concepts

Craniosacral Models – Osteopathic Biomechanical CranialCraniosacral Models – Osteopathic Biomechanical Cranial

Craniosacral Models – Osteopathic Biomechanical Cranial

Osteopathic BioMechanical Model This post on The Osteopathic Biomechanical approach is part of a collection of posts on craniosacral. This…

4 years ago

Craniosacral Models – CranioSacral Therapy

John Upledger was an innovative osteopath in the 70s and 80s. First, he wrote a small book called Your Inner…

4 years ago

Craniosacral – The BioDynamic Model

This post on The Osteopathic Biodynamic approach is part of a collection of posts on craniosacral. This collection includes posts…

4 years ago

Feel Your Craniosacral Cycle

This post offers you a simple way of palpating your craniosacral cycle. It isn't magical and doesn't require some special…

4 years ago

Sensory Integration

These post focus on therapy concepts, trigger points and treatment approaches related to sensory integration dysfunction.

5 years ago

Myofascial Protection

This short section explores the importance of how myofascial structures offer protection when trying to release problematic and painful patterns…

5 years ago

Trigger Point Concepts

This document is a an excerpt from Neuromuscular Assessment.

5 years ago

Assessment of Pain in Yoga

Here, I discuss assessment of the muscle that is causing pain and restrictions in your yoga poses by understanding the…

7 years ago

Yoga, “that good stretch feeling,” and trigger points

Stretching can be a good daily ritual of relief. It changes a stiff body into something that has less pain…

8 years ago

Understanding Trigger Points

This post is a summary of key concepts relative to all trigger points. It is a brief collection of information…

8 years ago