Lives Well Lived "Tech Family" has been in my practice for decades. I started working on Tech Girl back in…
Take-One Nurse Headstand was in her 40s when she first started seeing me. An academic, she taught at a major…
Professor Slate came to me with shoulder pain in his golf swing. Right at the end of the swing, he…
G. Dallas Hancock innovated craniosacral techniques starting in the late 80s. He was practicing chiropractic using Applied Kinesiology and Sacro-Occipital…
Osteopathic BioMechanical Model This post on The Osteopathic Biomechanical approach is part of a collection of posts on craniosacral. This…
John Upledger was an innovative osteopath in the 70s and 80s. First, he wrote a small book called Your Inner…
This post on The Osteopathic Biodynamic approach is part of a collection of posts on craniosacral. This collection includes posts…
Hello, I'm Tony Preston. This is Integrative Works. I created this blog to help people have a better quality of…
The workbook of neuromuscular therapy came out of the need for a more complete neuromuscular manual at a time when…
My patient is a Texan grandmother in her late 60s. She started working with me years ago. She has some…