
Stiff and Slow When Rising From Seated PositionStiff and Slow When Rising From Seated Position

Stiff and Slow When Rising From Seated Position

low back stress from psycologies.co.uk These people are stiff and slow in rising from a seat or getting out of…

6 years ago

Sciatica, Degenerative Discs and Trigger Points

Many clients come to me with pain that their doctor has called "sciatica." Sciatica originally referred to painful inflammation of the…

9 years ago


Saturday before last, I had a new client come in. He was referred by a friend of his father who…

11 years ago

Trigger Points and The Cramping Hamstring

Referral pattern of the Gluteus Minimus These people grab their hamstring and talk about how painful it is. They are…

12 years ago