Yoga, Headstands and MigrainesYoga, Headstands and Migraines

Yoga, Headstands and Migraines

Take-One Nurse Headstand was in her 40s when she first started seeing me. An academic, she taught at a major…

4 years ago

Craniosacral – The BioDynamic Model

This post on The Osteopathic Biodynamic approach is part of a collection of posts on craniosacral. This collection includes posts…

4 years ago

Feel Your Craniosacral Cycle

This post offers you a simple way of palpating your craniosacral cycle. It isn't magical and doesn't require some special…

4 years ago


Saturday before last, I had a new client come in. He was referred by a friend of his father who…

11 years ago

Craniosacral System Overview

Many of my clients have asked me for a simple explanation of the Craniosacral System. Here is a basic overview of how…

12 years ago

Improving Executive Functions and Multitasking

Many of my clients, both adults and school children, are interested in better Executive Functioning. They want to improve their…

12 years ago

Connecting Sensory Integration and Bodywork

In the 90s, I wrote about trigger points, studied craniosacral, and worked with an OT specializing in Sensory Integration. She…

12 years ago

Finding The Godfather of Organized Pain

Integrative bodywork is more than ferreting out trigger points, balancing pelvises and smoothing out the tissues. It focuses on finding…

12 years ago