

Pain Center of the CalfPain Center of the Calf

Pain Center of the Calf

Pain in the Center of the Muscle Patients complain of diffuse pain in the center of their calf. Like the…

12 months ago

Pain in the Achilles Tendon

Achilles Pain People primarily complain of pain along the Achilles tendon. The pain seems to travel from the Achilles through…

2 years ago

Deltoid – Massage Notes

Here, you will find massage and bodywork notes for the deltoid muscle. These notes offer a neuromuscular protocol from The…

3 years ago

Deltoid – Neuromuscular Protocol

Here is neuromuscular massage, which protocol treats the deltoid muscle. It is a traditional protocol from Classical Neuromuscular. On the…

3 years ago

Biceps Brachii – Massage Notes

Overview These are massage and bodywork notes for the biceps brachii. These notes include a neuromuscular protocol from The Workbook…

3 years ago

Biceps Brachii – Neuromuscular Protocol

This neuromuscular massage protocol treats biceps brachii. This muscle lives on the anterior humerus. For additional protocols about pain patterns,…

3 years ago

Brachialis & Coracobrachialis – Neuromuscular Protocol

This neuromuscular massage protocol treats brachialis and coracobrachialis. These muscles live on the humerus, deep to the biceps brachii. For…

3 years ago

Neuromuscular Protocol – Iliotibial Band

This protocol treats the iliotibial band through NMT. Pelvic balancing and other approaches are discussed in self-care and therapist notes.…

4 years ago

Subscapularis – Neuromuscular Massage Protocol

This protocol treats the subscapularis in the side-lying position. It is also common to treat it supine with their ipsilateral…

4 years ago

Teres Minor – Massage Therapy Notes

Neuromuscular massage usually addresses teres minor after other shoulder trigger points. It is the lesser of the rotator cuff muscles…

4 years ago