sensory integration

Improving Executive Functions and MultitaskingImproving Executive Functions and Multitasking

Improving Executive Functions and Multitasking

Many of my clients, both adults and school children, are interested in better Executive Functioning. They want to improve their…

12 years ago

James Bond. Sensory Integration Hero.

James Bond. I bet that you think of him as many things. He has good fashion sense. He is visually…

12 years ago

Connecting Sensory Integration and Bodywork

In the 90s, I wrote about trigger points, studied craniosacral, and worked with an OT specializing in Sensory Integration. She…

12 years ago

Heaven is a Place with Tension.

Believable Lies There are lies that we know are lies, but we play along. "I'll call you." "Baby, I think…

12 years ago

My Jeep Has Sensory Integration Issues

I love The Jeep. People are always asking me how long I've had it. When I tell them that I've…

12 years ago