
Infraspinatus – Functional AnatomyInfraspinatus – Functional Anatomy

Infraspinatus – Functional Anatomy

The anatomy of the infraspinatus is a bit more complicated than typically explained. A more detailed understanding is helpful for…

6 years ago

Subscapularis – Functional Anatomy

The subscapularis muscle is a thick, fan-shaped muscle on the underside of the shoulder blade. By far, it is the…

6 years ago

Teres Minor – Functional Anatomy

    teres minor Overview Teres minor is a simple muscle in a complicated area of structural anatomy. It's a flat…

6 years ago

Supraspinatus – Functional Anatomy

Overview Supraspinatus, in the supraspinous fossa, is the most superior of the rotators cuff muscles, Origin medial two-thirds of the…

6 years ago

More than Surviving Breast Cancer.

My patient is a Texan grandmother in her late 60s. She started working with me years ago. She has some…

8 years ago

Spot of pain behind shoulder

People complain of a spot of pain deep in the back of the shoulder. It often occurs after other shoulder…

8 years ago

Pain along Shoulder Blade when Reaching Up or Back

Pain Along Shoulder Blade People complain of pain along the inside of their shoulder blade when reaching high above the…

8 years ago

Pain Behind the Shoulder When Lifting Arm

When the trigger point is less advanced, people hold their arm out with the elbow away from their side,  reach…

8 years ago

Unresolvable Tennis Elbow

Elbow! ...and...shoulder People complain about persistent tennis elbow even though they've tried many different things around the elbow to get…

8 years ago

Shoulder Pain and Clicking While Grooming

Patients complain of pain in the shoulder when brushing their teeth, combing their hair, putting on make-up, shaving their face, etc. Typically,…

8 years ago