top of shoulder

Self Care – Neck Pain with Sore ShoulderSelf Care – Neck Pain with Sore Shoulder

Self Care – Neck Pain with Sore Shoulder

This post has quick relief and lasting relief strategies for the trigger point that creates pain in the upper neck…

4 years ago

Self Care – Stiffness at the base of the neck

Self-Care for this stiff pain at the base of the neck can be quick and effective when the person is…

4 years ago

Self Care – Pain Between Shoulder Blades When Slouching

Change these activities: Here, you will find strategies for getting temporary and lasting relief from that pain along your shoulder…

4 years ago

Superficial strip of shoulder pain when reaching up

People complain of a strip of pain in the front of the shoulder when reaching up. They often say this…

7 years ago

Shoulder Pain Reaching Up and Around

Want to skip ahead?Here's a link to my post about getting relief on your own. rigger point pattern, triceps, long…

7 years ago

Sore Shoulder from Strap or Lifting Overhead

Active people complain of pain on the top of their shoulder when lifting their arm. When I ask them to lift…

8 years ago

Unresolvable Tennis Elbow

Elbow! ...and...shoulder People complain about persistent tennis elbow even though they've tried many different things around the elbow to get…

8 years ago

Shoulder Pain and Clicking While Grooming

Patients complain of pain in the shoulder when brushing their teeth, combing their hair, putting on make-up, shaving their face, etc. Typically,…

8 years ago

Pain at the Base of the Neck When Turning

People turn their heads and complain of stiffness and pain that focuses on a spot on one side of the…

10 years ago

Stiff Side of Neck When Turning

Want to skip ahead?Here's a link to my post about getting relief on your own. Stiff Side of Neck when…

11 years ago