shoulder joint

Self-Care – SupraspinatusSelf-Care – Supraspinatus

Self-Care – Supraspinatus

Here, you will find self-care that offers relief for the supraspinatus muscle offers the solution to the problems presented in…

3 years ago

Pain when pitching or reaching behind your body

Want to skip ahead?Here's a link to my post about getting relief on your own. trigger point referral pattern for…

7 years ago

Shoulder or Forearm Pain While Steering

A patient will hold their arm up as if they have it on top of the steering wheel. They trace…

8 years ago

Can’t Reach Pain Under the Shoulder Blade

Want to skip ahead?Here's a link to my post about getting relief on your own. People complain of pain under…

8 years ago

Unresolvable Tennis Elbow

Elbow! ...and...shoulder People complain about persistent tennis elbow even though they've tried many different things around the elbow to get…

8 years ago

Shoulder Pain and Clicking While Grooming

Patients complain of pain in the shoulder when brushing their teeth, combing their hair, putting on make-up, shaving their face, etc. Typically,…

8 years ago

Shoulder pain when sleeping on your side

Sleeping on Your Side People complain of pain that disturbs their sleep when lying on the painful shoulder. Surprisingly, it…

8 years ago