Latissimus dorsi - trigger point referral People complain of an area of aching pain at the base of the shoulder…
Want to skip ahead?Here's a link to my post about getting relief on your own. People complain of aching along…
People complain of burning along the inside of their shoulder blade. Of course, this burning and itching along the shoulder…
Pain Along Shoulder Blade People complain of pain along the inside of their shoulder blade when reaching high above the…
It's a great question. I often state its counter part, "Other people do that and don't have pain. Let's work so…
Areas of Pain and tingling associated to scalene trigger points People complain about waking with stiff, swollen hands in the…
When the trigger point is less advanced, people hold their arm out with the elbow away from their side, reach…
Want to skip ahead?Here's a link to my post about getting relief on your own. People complain of pain under…
Want to skip ahead?Here's a link to my post about getting relief on your own. Table of Contents How People…