
Integrative Functional Organization OverviewIntegrative Functional Organization Overview

Integrative Functional Organization Overview

Overview Here, you will find the basics of Integrative Functional Organization (IFO). Casually, practitioners call this "clean-up" or "balancing the…

2 years ago


Hello, I'm Tony Preston. This is Integrative Works. I created this blog to help people have a better quality of…

4 years ago

Understanding Trigger Points

This post is a summary of key concepts relative to all trigger points. It is a brief collection of information…

7 years ago

More than Surviving Breast Cancer.

My patient is a Texan grandmother in her late 60s. She started working with me years ago. She has some…

7 years ago

Burning and itching along the shoulder blade

People complain of burning along the inside of their shoulder blade. Of course, this burning and itching along the shoulder…

8 years ago

Why are the unfamiliar activities painful?

It's a great question. I often state its counter part, "Other people do that and don't have pain. Let's work so…

8 years ago


Saturday before last, I had a new client come in. He was referred by a friend of his father who…

11 years ago

The Investors

Invest in making your body self-correcting and the dividends will pay off for years. Here is an example: Arnold (not…

12 years ago

Improving Executive Functions and Multitasking

Many of my clients, both adults and school children, are interested in better Executive Functioning. They want to improve their…

12 years ago

Connecting Sensory Integration and Bodywork

In the 90s, I wrote about trigger points, studied craniosacral, and worked with an OT specializing in Sensory Integration. She…

12 years ago