Latissimus dorsi - trigger point referral People complain of an area of aching pain at the base of the shoulder…
Pain across the chest and down the arm is similar to the sensations of heart attack. Most of my clients…
People seldom have any part of this pattern as their primary complaint, but when they do, it is usually biceps…
People complain of pain in the front of the shoulder when lifting the elbow above the shoulder or back at…
Here are some specific stretches for scalene muscles that have been recommended by many sources over the years. They were…
A patient will hold their arm up as if they have it on top of the steering wheel. They trace…
Elbow! ...and...shoulder People complain about persistent tennis elbow even though they've tried many different things around the elbow to get…
Sleeping on Your Side People complain of pain that disturbs their sleep when lying on the painful shoulder. Surprisingly, it…