Intrinsic Spine Muscles

Semispinalis Thoracis – Functional AnatomySemispinalis Thoracis – Functional Anatomy

Semispinalis Thoracis – Functional Anatomy

Semispinalis Thoracis Semispinalis Thoracis connects T7-T10 to C6-T4 trapping T5-T6 in the middle. Origin - transverse processes of T6-T10 Insertion -…

6 years ago

Semispinalis Cervicis – Functional Anatomy

Overview Semispinalis cervicis fits between the deeper multifidi and the more superficial erectors and serratus anterior. It is a thin…

6 years ago

Rotatores and Multifidi – Functional Anatomy

Multifidi and Rotatores The anatomy studies and illustrations of the multifidus and rotatores vary a great deal. In general, They…

6 years ago