Hip Rotator Muscles

Gluteal and Lateral Hip Rotator Muscles – Functional AnatomyGluteal and Lateral Hip Rotator Muscles – Functional Anatomy

Gluteal and Lateral Hip Rotator Muscles – Functional Anatomy

gluteal muscles - posterior view Overview Gluteal muscles form the fullness of the hip. They originate on the pelvis and…

2 years ago

Triceps Coxae

Here, you will find anatomy for the triceps coxae, which consists of the obturator internus, gemellus superior, and gemellus inferior.…

3 years ago

Quadratus Femoris – Functional Anatomy

Here, you will find the anatomy of the quadrants femoris muscles. Also, you will find functional considerations and all of…

3 years ago

Obturator Externus – Functional Anatomy

Overview The obturator externus is a flat, triangular muscle that extends from the lower pelvis to the superior femur. The…

3 years ago