Hand Pain

Shoulder Pain and Neck Tension in Golf Swing

Shoulder Pain During Swing Patients complain about pain in the shoulder occurring at the end of their golf swing. When I ask them to demonstrate, they slowly go through the golf swing, pausing a little extra at the end to produce the pain. Sometimes they will not get the pain unless they make the motion […]

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Pain in the upper back, index finger, and thumb

Pain around Thumb Pad People complain about pain just inside the shoulder blade, thumb, and index finger. Notably, it doesn’t always create pain in the hand; sometimes, it tingles like it is “falling asleep” or “going numb.” Sometimes, they have pain or tingling when reaching out with the hands near shoulder level, like when you’re driving

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Pain when pitching or reaching behind your body

Want to skip ahead?Here’s a link to my post about getting relief on your own. People complain of pain in the front of the shoulder, back of the upper arm, forearm, and hand. The primary complaint is often in the shoulder, especially when reaching behind the back to fasten a bra, tuck in a belt, etc.

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Aching mid-back with tired triceps

People complain of an area of aching pain at the base of the shoulder blade. At times, this extends down the triceps and into the hand. They can’t reach it and may ask to trace the spot on my back or on the illustration that I have on the wall. It has a constant ache that

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Stiff, Swollen Hands in the Morning

People complain about waking with stiff, swollen hands in the morning. Some of them have problems with tingling and sleeping hands in the night. They often get up and move their arms around until the tingling stops and the arms are awake again. Sometimes, they have stiff hands, pain, or tingling when they hold their arms

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